v0.4 - Stickers and QOL improvements


Good news everyone!

This release is the result of a lot of efforts. Let's try to keep it short.

# Stickers

Also known as textures, but the name means to convey how to use them: just slap one where needed:

and adjust it (position, orientation, scale) until it fits as expected. 

Also useful when actually setting the texture over a whole model (e.g. wood/stone/etc materials), is the possibility to seamlessly repeat the sticker.

⚠ you must import your own sticker (png, jpeg, etc) before you can use them. GAC will soon ship with a base set of materials & stickers.

# Resource Tags

The resource explorer (left side by default) now tags imported resources as `2D`/`3D` and allows for easy filtering. Also, resources can be favorited ⭐ in order to stick to the top of the icon view. Further releases will let you set custom tags on your own resources.

# User Manual

A user manual has been created and will log all features and how to use them. Check it out at doc.gameassetcrafter.com!

# Minor Quality of Life improvements:

  • model transforms are now implement with tweening for a smoother experience
  • tools layout persistence
  • fixed the sudden offset of objects dragged with the mouse. It's smoother now

Also worth mentioning, the app's now tested on Windows (11, running off a potatoe Lenovo Flex5), and a few breaking bugs were fixed, that did not happen running GAC on wine. I recently got a new mac too so I'll start testing on it too.


game-asset-crafter-windows.zip 47 MB
Version 0.4 69 days ago
game-asset-crafter-linux.zip 41 MB
Version 0.4 69 days ago
game-asset-crafter-macos.zip 70 MB
Version 0.4 69 days ago

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